(610) 872-0272

Low Cost Auto Insurance

We customize insurance coverage to fit your budget and offer affordable monthly payments

With over 40 years of insurance experience, Overtown Insurance offers insurance in 4 states; Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, and Indiana.

When it comes to insurance coverage, NO ONE  is ever turned away because of age or driving history.

Our Services

Our comprehensive suite of professional insurance, and tax services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from residential to commercial customers.

Personal Auto Insurance

Overtown Insurance Agency understands the importance of protecting your personal vehicle. Our Personal Auto Insurance offers comprehensive coverage, ensuring you have the right protection in place for unexpected events on the road. Drive with confidence knowing that you’re covered against accidents, theft, and more.

Commercial Auto Insurance

For business owners who rely on vehicles for their operations, our Commercial Auto Insurance provides tailored coverage. Whether you have a fleet of vehicles or a single company car, we offer insurance solutions designed to safeguard your business against potential risks on the road.

Home Insurance

Your home is a significant investment, and Overtown Insurance Agency is here to protect it. Our Homeowners Insurance provides comprehensive coverage for your property, ensuring you’re financially secure in the face of unforeseen events such as damage, theft, or liability claims.

Business Insurance

Overtown Insurance Agency specializes in Business Insurance tailored for small business owners. Whether you’re a plumber, electrician, handyman, or run any other small business, our insurance solutions are designed to protect your business assets and mitigate risks.

Notary Services

Need official document verification? Overtown Insurance Agency offers Notary Public services. Our ‘Certified Notaries’ ensure the authenticity and legality of your documents, providing you with the peace of mind that comes with proper documentation.

Life Insurance

Safeguard the financial future of your loved ones with Life Insurance solutions offered through La Voz Solutions, a trusted partner. Our policies offer peace of mind, providing financial support to your family in the event of your passing. Choose from various coverage options to suit your unique needs.

Registrations and Title Services

Simplify the often complex process of online registrations and title services with Overtown Insurance Agency. Our experts guide you through the necessary steps, ensuring accurate and efficient registration for various services.

Tax Services

Trust La Voz Solutions for your tax needs. Our comprehensive Tax Services include electronic filing of your Federal, State, and Local Taxes. Let our experienced team navigate the tax landscape for you, ensuring compliance and maximizing your returns.

Insurance plays a pivotal role in safeguarding individuals, businesses, and communities from the unpredictable twists of life. It acts as a financial safety net, providing a cushion when unexpected events, such as accidents, natural disasters, or health crises, strike. Without insurance, the financial consequences of these events could be overwhelming, leading to significant setbacks and hardships. Insurance not only protects assets and investments but also ensures peace of mind, allowing people to navigate their lives with greater confidence and resilience. It fosters a sense of security, enabling individuals to pursue their goals and aspirations without the constant fear of financial ruin. In essence, insurance is a cornerstone of responsible financial planning, offering a shield against the uncertainties that life may throw our way.

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